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  • Maria Tereza’s
  • Brazil
  • Costa Passarella & Accioly Advogados Associados
  • Maria Tereza Costa Passarella is a founding partner of Costa Passarella & Accioly Advogados Associados. She is a Brazilian lawyer with 23 years of practice and with experience in the Brazilian’s Superior Courts and Supreme Court. She has been a lawyer for the largest Brazilian public company for 14 years. Maria Tereza is member of Legal Hackers Brasilia, a global movement born in 2012 in New York City, of lawyers, legislators, designers, technologists, and academics that explores and develops creative solutions around different issues that intersect law and technology. She is a Counselor of Casa Thomas Jefferson, a binational American-Brazilian cultural center in Brazil.


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Rio Branco Avenue, 131,

4o. floor, Centro,

CEP: 20.040-006, Rio de Janeiro


+55 61 99830-9232

English, Portuguese

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